Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Two Weeks


Season 5, Episode 19, 2:35-3:09

Meme It!
Stanley:Maybe you should go into your office, close the door, and make some calls about jobs?
Michael:I have a job.
Andy:For four more days.
Pam:Do you have any leads on a job?
Michael:Pam, what you don't understand is that at my level you just don't look in the want-ads for a job. You are head-hunted.
Jim:You called any headhunters?
Michael:Any good headhunter knows I am available.
Dwight:Any really good headhunter would storm your village at sunset with overwhelming force and cut off your head with a ceremonial knife,
Jim:Right, cause that's what we are talking about.
Charles:Uh, I need you to go over this client list and indicate any wrong or false data.
Michael:You're 'I need you to' is my command.
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