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Blood Drive


Season 5, Episode 16, 12:35-13:28

Meme It!
Dwight:Hey. No movement.
Michael:Ah, still early.
Dwight:Eh, its not that early.
Michael:[sighs] So how you holding up?
Dwight:I'm ok. Feel a little lopsided because of all the blood they took out of my right side.
Michael:No. No, I meant about being single today.
Dwight:Oh. Meh.
Michael:Meh, exactly. Eh.
Michael:Oh, here we go.
Michael:Hello. [two women, a blonde and a redhead, enter the office. Michael and Dwight walk towards them and Dwight extends his hand to the redhead]
Dwight:Dwight K. Schrute. Why don't you introduce me to your little friend? [Dwight immediately breaks the handshake with the redhead and turns to the blonde] Hi, Dwight.
Michael:Babe alert! [to the redhead] Hello, I'm Michael Scott, welcome to our little shindig.
Lynn:Oh, hi! I'm Lynn.
Michael:Lynn, follow me, come on in. For you we have one of our top people Kevin Malone. Kevin, come out here show your beautiful self.
Michael:[after a short pause] So run with the ball! Run with it, Kev. [after another pause] Where you from?
Kevin:I'm from here!
Michael:Yeah, OK. Well, he only gets better.
Kevin:Thank you, Michael.
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