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Lecture Circuit, Pt. 1


Season 5, Episode 14, 13:28-14:58

Meme It!
Michael:I grab this [grabs a chain saw], and I turn it on and I say, 'Prepare yourself, for the Utica chain store massacre.'
Karen:No that's, that is incredibly dangerous.
Michael:No, don't worry, the chain is off.
Pam:No it's not.
Karen:You know, I think I'm just gonna distill all this, and send it in an email to my team.
Michael:Email's not scary. This is an opportunity. Don't, don't blow it.
Pam:So when are you due?
Karen:Uh, in about a month.
Pam:Wow, that is wonderful, congratulations.
Karen:Thank you. It just all happened so fast.
Michael:It's really amazing. Congratulations Karen. So is there a guy or, uh, a person. Or, uh, a sperm machine that did this to you, or?
Karen:Yes, Michael. My husband impregnated me.
Michael:Oh, great.
Karen:His name is Dan, uh, this is us. So dorky.
Pam:Oh, he's cute.
Karen:Yeah, he's so cute. He's a dermatologist. We met a bar. Can you believe that?
Pam:What is happening there? [points at picture]
Karen:Oh, yeah. Don't even. That's really dorky.
Pam:It's really sweet.
Michael:No, it's really dorky. You were right the first time.
Karen:So, how are things in Scranton? How's Jim?
Pam:Uh, they're good. Uh, Jim's good. We're engaged.
Karen:That's so great. That's great.
Pam:Thank you.
Karen:Oh, my God. I'm so happy for you. [hugs pam]
Michael:Old hatreds dissolve into new friendships. It's a really wonderful moment.
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