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Dinner Party


Season 4, Episode 9, 9:24-10:50

Meme It!
Jim:You'll never guess, I just got a message from my landlord apparently, my apartment flooded, something with a sprinkler. Pam, we should probably get going and see the damage.
Pam:Oh okay.
Michael:Well you don't need two of you to do that.
Jim:That's true. Um... dinner sounded delicious. Pam I'll see you at home, thank you so much.
Pam:Oh Jim, I don't think you're going to abandon this party here all by itself.
Jim:I don't know because I everything I own is there.
Pam:You can buy new stuff but you can't buy a new party.
Michael:That's true, that's a great point. Come on down here. Sit down on that couch and be amongst friends and we are not going to think about all your stuff being destroyed, all right.
Andy:Michael, you're up.
Michael:All right here we go, this is going to be fun, ready. All right first name is Tom-
Jan:No no no, no names, no names, no rhyming, no soundalikes.
Michael:All right, Okay, okay, you're getting inside my head. First name is blank and he goes on a cruise, he goes on a Caribbean CRUISE.
Angela:I don't know.
Jim:Katie Holmes.
Michael:No, Baah! But he's married to her!
Jim:Oh, Dawson's Creek.
Michael:No! It has to be a real person Jim, come on. Okay, no no, I'm gonna pass, I'm gonna pass. Okay, rhymes with Parnold Schporzenegger.
Jan:No rhyming!
Jim:Not really a rhyme.
Angela:Another clue, another clue.
Michael:Okay, he is the governor of California, he is the Terminator.
Angela:Those aren't helpful.
Jim:Tom Cruise!
Michael:God, does anybody read the paper?!
Did we Schrute it? Let us know!