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Season 4, Episode 5, 11:53-12:52

Meme It!
Pam:No talk, I'm animating.
Jim:Why don't we take a quick ten second break from that so I can show you what's going on here. [pulls up Dwight's game] Okay, this is Dwight's Second Life. He's on it all the time. So much so that his little guy here has created his own world. It's called Second Second Life, for those people who want to be removed even further from reality.
Pam:Are you serious?
Pam:Oh my God, he's really in pain.
Pam:Who's that?
Jim:Oh, it's just my avatar guy. Whatever.
Pam:He looks a lot like you. How much time did you spend on that?
Jim:Not much, it's just for tracking Dwight so---
Pam:Right... you're a sports writer in Philadelphia? Nice build too.
Pam:You have a guitar slung on your back. I did not know you played guitar.
Jim:I... why don't we go back to this animation.
Pam:No no no, I want to see more of Philly Jim. I want Philly Jim.
Jim:Ah, show me how this works.
Pam:Oh boy.
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