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the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Launch Party, Pt. 1 & 2


Season 4, Episode 3, 17:15-18:19

Meme It!
Michael:You ever read this? [holds up Green Eggs and Ham]
Jim:Yep. A long time ago, but, I liked it.
Michael:Got it for Ryan. Wanted to get him Oh The Places You'll Go, but they were sold out. Figured...
Michael:Same sort of stuff in here.
Jim:It's not. It's different. But it's a good book.
Michael:Mmwa. Mmwa.
Jim:What was that?
Michael:Leaving Pennsylvania.
Jim:Oh. Two kisses.
Michael:One for me one for Jan.
Michael:You guys should come over for dinner. You and Pam. That'd be fun. Friday?
Jim:That would be fun.
Michael:Wanna come over Friday?
Jim:Uhhh. Can't.
Michael:After work you guys...
Jim:Oh, no cause... you're gonna let me know when we're close, right?
Michael:Yes. Actually I will tell you right now. It's a club called Chatroom, and there's a password to get in, which is actually password. So...
Michael:What are you doing?
Jim:Uh, that is an invitation to an online party.
Michael:No, I'm sure that's not. Na...
Jim:Are there, uh, three w's at the beginning of the address?
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