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Night Out


Season 4, Episode 11, 18:24-20:05

Meme It!
Ryan:This is a one time thing, you know that right? [they walk into Ryan's apartment]
Michael:This is it.
Dwight:All right.
Michael:This is where the magic happens.
Michael:Very nice.
Ryan:One of you guys can have the sofa, and one of you guys can have...
Dwight:I got sofa. I got sofa.
Michael:Dwight, I'm the boss.
Dwight:I got floor.
Michael:Case anyone needs to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I don't wannna get my head stepped on.
Dwight:[to Ryan] Do you want me to sing you a song my mother used to sing me, when we were sick?
Ryan:No. [Dwight starts singing in German]
Michael:Dwight, shh shh. Dwight. Leave him alone.
Dwight:It's a lullaby.
Michael:Shh. Ryan, Ryan, we're going to take your clothes off.
Ryan:No. Guys, I think my friend Troy might have a drug problem. What do I do?
Dwight:I think his species might have a higher tolerance than ours.
Michael:Shh, just stop. Here's what you do. You tell him that you're his friend and that you're gonna help him and that everyone's gonna be all right. And then you put a wire on him and you find out who's selling him drugs and then you get that guy and you flip up, turn him into a snitch. You follow that guy to the people who's really really bad. Been watching The Wire recently. I don't understand a word of it.
Ryan:Guys, I'm going to sleep. You can leave the light on if you want, but please stop talking, OK?
Dwight:OK. Good night Ryan.
Michael:Best night ever.
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