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Night Out


Season 4, Episode 11, 12:08-12:53

Meme It!
Michael:I umm, thought about getting a tattoo on my back as well at one point. I was thinking about getting 'Back to the Future.' 'Back' because it's on my back and 'Future' because I'm the kind of guy who likes to look ahead into the future. I just think a tattoo should mean something, you know? And it's my second favorite movie.
Girl in Club:I've never heard of that movie.
Michael:Back to the Future? [she shakes head] Oh, wow. Well you should take a, a film education course.
Girl in Club:How old are you?
Michael:Forty... I'm in my forties.
Girl in Club:Wow. That's so cool.
Girl in Club:Well I'm gonna go back to my group now.
Michael:Oh, OK.
Girl in Club:Thanks for the drink.
Michael:You are welcome.
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