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The Convict


Season 3, Episode 9, 18:16-19:29

Meme It!
Toby:Michael. Why's everyone locked in the conference room?
Michael:They were very disrespectful to me, and to the office. And Martin has had a bad influence, to think that I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
Toby:Well, you're going to have to let 'em out. Or... or I will.
Michael:Okay. You know what Toby? I am teaching them a lesson, so.
Toby:You know they're teasing you. I mean... obviously, this is... a much nicer place than an actual prison. We get paid to be here. We go home afterwards and have social lives. We have... we have parties here. They're teasing you. To be funny.
Michael:[unlocks door] Okay nutcases, get out of there! Good work. Long day. Really long. Why don't you guys head home. Early. Time off for good behavior! Heh. Good job. Enjoy your freedoms!
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