Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Product Recall


Season 3, Episode 20, 2:35-3:16

Meme It!
Michael:Everybody in here. STAT. No time to lose. Cri-Man-Squa. F and C, doubletime.
Michael:Crisis Management Squad.
Ryan:F and C, doubletime?
Michael:Front and Center. Twice as fast as you would normally go. Any other questions?
Jim:One more. Why are you talking like that?
Michael:To save time, Jim.
Karen:Actually I think you could make the argument that it wastes time.
Pam:Yeah, she has a good point. I mean, for example, with the last thing you said, by the time you explained it, it actually took up more time.
Michael:You know what? Bluh bluh bluh bluh bluh! Forget it. Where is Creed?
Michael:Creed. Quality assurance. Your job. I really think you screwed the pooch on one, Creed. Because of you, the entire company is in jeopardy.
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