Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Ben Franklin


Season 3, Episode 14, 6:43-7:46

Meme It!
Pam:Everything okay?
Jim:Oh yeah. Why?
Pam:Well you seem a little tired.
Jim:Oh. Yeah well, I guess there's been a couple late nights. Karen and I have been up talking.
Pam:You should get more sleep.
Jim:Yeah, I know I should.
Pam:Never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep.
Jim:No, I'm sure you're right.
Pam:When I get eight hours, compared to like six hours, like, big difference.
Pam:Oh yeah. Gotta get your REM cycle going with the whole sleeping. Better than not.
Jim:Good advice Beesley. Thanks. See you out there.
Pam:Yeah. Don't fall asleep at your desk. [Turning towards the vending machine] Oh my God.
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