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Traveling Salesmen


Season 3, Episode 12, 2:29-3:40

Meme It!
Michael:Dwight, care to join us, finally? Thank you.
Andy:Hey Dwight, pass the tardy sauce. Get it Michael?
Michael:Yes. Ok, here is the dream team. My sales dream team. Today we are going to team up for sales calls. Andy, since this was your idea, you get to pick first.
Andy:Hmmm, well... let me think about this for a minute. Oh, I don't know. Michael Scott.
Andy:Ph. D. Doctor of Sales.
Michael:Well, I appreciate that. That is very gracious of you.
Andy:Well, it is very gracious of you to accept.
Michael:Well, thank you sir. Ok, now going by seniority. Phyllis, our resident senior.
Phyllis:We're the same age and I'll pick... Karen.
Karen:Oh, uh, thanks.
Michael:Good. Next up, Superfly himself, Stanley.
Michael:You can't pass. You've got to pick somebody.
Stanley:... I'll take the kid.
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