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Office Olympics


Season 2, Episode 3, 19:10-20:24

Meme It!
Michael:What's this?
Jim:These are the Closing Ceremonies. Step up. You're on the top one. [Michael stands on podium] Congratulations to Michael, because he closed on his condo. So, gold medal. [everyone claps]
Michael:I don't really know what to say. Um, I'm not one for making speeches, but ah, my heart is very full at this moment.
Jim:And for Dwight Schrute, the silver medal.
Michael:Get up here, Dwight.
Dwight:Silver medal.
Michael:Yep, not as good as gold. [national anthem plays] Why are you playing the national anthem?
Jim:Um... 'Cause your condo's in America.
Michael:Oh. [doves move across cord] What the hell is that?
Jim:Those are the doves.
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