Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Conflict Resolution


Season 2, Episode 21, 17:56-18:29

Meme It!
Michael:Hey! Wait. How about a group picture while you're here?
Photographer:I can't. I only get reimbursed for the I.D. photos.
Michael:Well... that's... what, a computer camera, right?
Photographer:You mean digital?
Michael:It'll take like two seconds.
Photographer:20 bucks.
Michael:Ugh... All right. Everybody, [looks around at the employees] come on. Group photo for the newsletter.
Stanley:You gotta be kiddin' me.
Michael:Come on, everybody.
Dwight:Come on, let's go. Creed, Kevin, Oscar... andale! Let's go.
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