Conflict Resolution
Michael:Here is a Kelly complaint: 'Ryan never returns my calls.' Ugh, join the club.
Ryan:My voicemail's really spotty... sometimes...
Kelly:I didn't file a complaint. I was just talking.
Toby:To your HR representative.
Kelly:To my friend, I thought. I want that withdrawn.
Toby:Fine, I'll take your name off. [looks at Michael] So no one will know.
Michael:[crumbles up the complaint paper] Makin' progress. [Jim raises his hand] Yes?
Jim:Dwight tried to kiss me.
Jim:And I didn't tell anyone because I'm not really sure how I feel about it.
Dwight:That is not true. Redact it. Redact it!
Jim:Well, I'm not actually making a formal complaint. I just really think we should talk about it.
Dwight:Okay, question. [looks at Toby] When a name is withdrawn, does that also apply to the permanent misbehavior file in New York?