Drug Testing

Michael:So I need you to do some work on the St. Andrews account. I need your urine. I need some filing done.
Dwight:What kind of filing?
Michael:Just forget it. Just the urine.
Dwight:That goes directly to the tester.
Michael:Just. I need your urine.
Dwight:Like in a cup?
Michael:Yes in a cup, we're not animals, Dwight.
Dwight:For what purpose?
Michael:It's none of your business.
Dwight:Then I refuse.
Michael:Okay. Alright. Just, I went to an Alicia Keys concert, over the weekend, and I think I may have gotten high accidentally by a girl with a lip ring.
Dwight:Are you serious?
Michael:I need clean urine for the lady.
Dwight:But that's illegal.
Michael:Don't think of it that way. It's like, urine goes all over the place. You know, there's no controlling it. It just... goes
Dwight:Not my urine.
Michael:A cup could find its way under the urine. It might be an accident. It happens.
Dwight:Were you forced to do drugs at this concert?
Michael:No, just look. Look. Just... just fill up the cup.