Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Sexual Harassment


Season 2, Episode 2, 1:21-2:11

Meme It!
Dwight:So the monkey does the sex thing right here! [monkey noises in background]
Michael:That's funny! That's funny. Not offensive. Uh... because it's nature. Educational.
Dwight:Do you want the link because then you could forward it around?
Michael:Um, I...
Dwight:Consider it?
Michael:Yeah... maybe. Maybe. Well, we'll see. Because I... I don't know if it's... [muffled by jacket over his head] Whup! Come on! Hey!
Todd Packer:What has two thumbs and likes to bone your Mom? [points at self] This guy!
Michael:Kay! Oh, you are so bad! Yeah!
Michael:Oh, Boom! Bam! Oh, this guy is out of control! He is a madman! Better get the bleep button ready for him.
Todd Packer:bleep, bleep. What's up, Halpert?
Michael:Uh oh.
Todd Packer:Still queer?
Michael:Uh oh! Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-o!
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