Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

The Injury


Season 2, Episode 12, 5:46-6:39

Meme It!
Dwight:Aw, man, is that a Prism Duro-Sport?
Pam:You've seen one of these?
Dwight:Yeah, they're like an i-Pod only they're better 'cause they're chunkier and more solid.
Pam:Roy gave it to me for Christmas. I'm trying to figure out how to put songs on it.
Dwight:Oh, no no no. Don't go there. I know this Russian website where you can download songs for two cents a piece.
Dwight:Yeah, I'll write down the address for you. Only, the only thing is, is that all the songs are in Russian. ... Kidding!
Pam:Oh! Ha, haha.
Dwight:Why would they all be...? Ok, see you later, Pan.
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