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Christmas Party


Season 2, Episode 10, 18:46-19:23

Meme It!
Dwight:This is so awesome.
Michael:Not bad. And if it couldn't go to Ryan, you are the guy I'd want it to go to.
Dwight:Thank you.
Michael:You're welcome.
Todd Packer:[grabbing Michael around the neck] Merry Christmas, asswipe!
Michael:No way. Oh, you're kidding me. Packer! Yes! Todd Packer, ladies and gentlemen!
Todd Packer:[rapping] What's up my nerds. Check it out. [points at the mistletoe stuck down his pants]
Michael:Oh, no, no. Oh look at that. Icing on the cake.
Todd Packer:Pacman need a drinky.
Michael:Oh, let's fix you up. Who wants to fix up .. Toby. Toby's gonna fix you up.
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