Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Christmas Party


Season 2, Episode 10, 16:50-17:13

Meme It!
Roy:I think after I lost Culpepper and T.O it was over, man.
Darryl:Oh, yeah, I need McMahon, Deion Branch to have big games or else I'm done.
Roy:It's possible. I can't believe you traded Shaun Alexander, man.
Darryl:I had to. I needed defense.
Roy:Come on! Shaun Alexander? He's the best back in the league.
Darryl:It's defense.
Roy:Oh, no. That is not worth it.
Darryl:It is worth it.
Darryl:Are you kidding? You wait.
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