Health Care
Season 1, Episode 3, 18:34-20:05
Michael:Well, what? You could be referring to anything.
Oscar:OK, the health care plan.
Pam:Why did you put Dwight in charge of that? He did a horrible job.
Michael:Uh, Dwight? Did you raise benefits?
Dwight:I most certainly did not.
Michael:Oh come on! That's horrible! Aaah... Thanks, Dwight, for a crappy plan. Ah, Damn! Oh, mmm, I wish I had time to change it, but Jan needs it by five, and... what time is it, what time is it? [looks at watch] Ah, it's after five. Oh, oh it's awful. So, well, OK. See you guys on Monday.
Angela:What about the surprise?
Michael:Oh... Yes. Exactly. Thank you Angela, for reminding me. Terrific. Um, before I tell everybody what the big surprise is, would you like to tell me what you think the big surprise is?
Stanley:We all think you don't have a surprise.
Michael:All right, I have some news for you. There is a big surprise. And... here it is. Here we go. And the big surprise is... Brrrrrrrr! Drum roll... Brrrrrrrr! Brrrrrrrr!