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Health Care


Season 1, Episode 3, 7:42-8:50

Meme It!
Oscar:Michael, can I talk to you?
Michael:Ah, uh, I would love to, but I am really busy. Rain check?
Meredith:Michael. Michael, please, can we talk to you about this memo?
Michael:Ah, what? Which memo?
Pam:Dwight's health care memo. I told you about it.
Michael:Is it a good plan?
Dwight:It's a great plan. It saves the company a fortune.
Oscar:It's like a pay decrease.
Pam:Michael, he made huge cuts.
Michael:Cuts? What? Wow, Dwight, did you make cuts?
Dwight:Yeah, you said...
Michael:No, no , no, you know what? I said nothing specific because I was so busy. Why don't you go in there and find these people a plan that will work for them? OK?
Dwight:I can handle that.
Michael:OK? All right. Do we feel good? All right. Good. Plus, there's some other good news. Today, at the end of the day, I will have, for all of you, a big surprise. OK? So hang in there, and I will see you at the end of the day. Right?
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